Important Features of COVID Shield Mobile App
Employee Health – Employee Health function allows recording of temperature and the in and out time to the office. The app can capture whether the employee is showing any signs of Covid and also lets the staff member submit a self-declaration of good health. Some countries are making it mandatory to install a Government monitored mobile app. Covid Shield also records whether a staff member has such an app on their phone.
Visitor Management – A single high-risk visitor to your premises can lead to a complete shutdown for weeks. Visitor Management App is meant to manage all IN/OUT traffic of the organization, this includes capturing of details of visitors & vehicles. Some key information like temperatures, zones visited last, contact details, pictures, digital signatures etc. can be captured. The app will also allow you to print visitor ID slips with QR codes, which can be used for scanning at the time of check-outs. Visitors visit can be also pre-arranged based on prior intimations. The app will ensure details of visitors are logged, qualified, approved.

Cleaning/ Sanitization Management – Covid times demand intense focus on sanitization. The housekeeping activity will never be the same again. Cleaning and Sanitization App will help you to manage your laid down health and hygiene protocols effectively within the organization. It will enable the responsible department to manage the checklist for sanitization efficiently for every department and all the common areas like toilets, canteen, conference rooms, parking areas etc. App will allow reviewing the checklist constantly and having built-in workflow. KPI’s can be set to ensure compliance and workplace safety
Inspection/ Audit Management – Significance of Inspection and Audit in the COVID time will be even higher than before. No organizations would like to have any slippage and employee dissatisfaction. The app will allow inspection agents to stay on top of all the daily and routine sanitization and cleaning exercises with the help of dashboard reports and KPIs. The app can provide notifications for ad-hoc inspections and to charter further course of action. Set up and constantly improvise on exiting routines and inspection schedules. Inspection reports can be prepared on the fly if needed by any external authority as part of the compliance for operating.
User Complaint Management – Users are the identified department volunteers/COVID heroes. User App will enable users to stay connected with the responsible departments for cleaning and sanitization works. Users can report incidents, invoke requests for special/ad-hoc sanitizations, can share feedbacks, raise alerts at the same by using the app will be able to dissipate relevant information, company directives, DO’s & DON’T’s with other colleagues in the department.
To know more about our COVID Shield App and how it can help bring ease to daily working of your business/organization, please write to us at or fill in your details in the contact form and we will get back to you at the earliest.